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Showing posts with the label Automobile Engineering Objective Type Questions


1. The crankcase scavenging the the crankcase or underside of the piston acts as a. A breather b. A blower c. A ventilator d. An air compressor Answer: d. An air compressor 2. For petrol engines the nominal compression ratio will vary between a. 1 to 2:123 b. 7.5 to 8.5:1 c. 1 to 5:1 d. 18 to 21:12 Answer: b. 7.5 to 8.5:1 3. . Engine torque is highest at a. Low speed b. High speed c. Intermediate speed d. Running Answer: c. Intermediate speed 4. The type of friction generally present in an automotive engine is a. Greasy friction b. Viscous friction c. Dry friction d. Heat Answer: b. Viscous friction