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122 General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Supervisor,Foreman and Other Engineering Job Opportunities

122 General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Supervisor,Foreman and Other Engineering Job Opportunities

Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL)
Government of India
Advertisement No.04/2023
Invites applications for the post of General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Addl. Manager,Dy.Manager,Asstt. Manager,Chief Superintendent,Superintendent,Addl. Superintendent,Deputy Superintendent ,Asstt. Superintendent,Supervisor,Foreman,Sc.Asstt

General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Supervisor,Foreman and Other Job description:

Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL)  has proclaimed the new recruitment notification for the position of Deputy Manager, Assistant Manager, Deputy Superintendent, and Others with 122 Vacancies. The candidates who are qualified with B.E/ B.Tech/ Diploma in Engineering, B.Sc, BDS, CA/ M.Sc, MBA, MBBS, and Post Graduation are eligible to apply for the post. Interested candidates can apply before the last date of 18th Aug 2023, Kindly apply before the last date of the application form. More details like educational qualifications, age limit, pay scale, how to apply, important dates,  selection process, important date, etc., are mentioned below check the details and apply for the posts of UCIL Jobs 2023.

Post:General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Addl. Manager,Dy.Manager,Asstt. Manager,Chief Superintendent,Superintendent,Addl. Superintendent,Deputy Superintendent ,Asstt. Superintendent,Supervisor,Foreman,Sc.Asstt

Vacancy :General Manager  01
Deputy General Manager/Chief Manager  01
Addl. Manager/Dy.Manager/Asstt. Manager  05
Asstt. Manager (CS)/ Asstt. Manager (Personnel) 01
Chief Superintendent (Civil)/ Superintendent (Civil)/ Addl. Superintendent (Civil)/ Deputy Superintendent (Civil) 01
Deputy Superintendent (Civil)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Civil) 01
Deputy Manager (EDP)/ Asstt. Manager (EDP) 01
Controller of Stores/ Addl. Controller of Stores)  01
Deputy Controller of Purchase/ Asstt. Controller of Purchase  01
Addl. Superintendent (Mill)/ Deputy Superintendent (Mill) 01
Addl. Superintendent Mines)/ Deputy Superintendent (Mines)/ Asstt. Superintendent(Mines) 05
Addl. Superintendent (Survey)/ Deputy Superintendent (Survey) 02
Deputy Superintendent (Elect.)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Elect.)  02
Deputy Superintendent (Mech.)/ Asstt. Superintendent(Mech.)  02
Dy. Superintendent (Industrial Engg)/Asstt. Superintendent (Industrial Engg.) 01
Dy. Superintendent (Geology)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Geology) 01
Dy.Superintendent (Env.Engg/ Asstt.Superintendent (Env.Engg.) 01
Supervisor(Chemical) 13
Supervisor(Civil)  06
Foreman (Mechanical) 12
Foreman (Mining) 20
Foreman (Survey) 03
Foreman(Electrical) 13
Foreman(Instrumentation) 04
Sc.Asstt.-C (CR&D/HPU) 05
Sc.Asstt.-C (Physics) 02

Age:General Manager  50 years
Deputy General Manager/Chief Manager 48 years/ 45 years
Addl. Manager/Dy.Manager/Asstt. Manager 35 years/ 30 years/ 30 years
Asstt. Manager (CS)/ Asstt. Manager (Personnel) 30 years
Chief Superintendent (Civil)/ Superintendent (Civil)/ Addl. Superintendent (Civil)/ Deputy Superintendent (Civil)  45 years/ 40 years/ 35 years/ 30 years
Deputy Superintendent (Civil)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Civil) 30 years/ 30 years
Deputy Manager (EDP)/ Asstt. Manager (EDP) 30 years/ 30 years
Controller of Stores/ Addl. Controller of Stores)  40 years/ 35 years
Deputy Controller of Purchase/ Asstt. Controller of Purchase  30 years/ 30 years
Addl. Superintendent (Mill)/ Deputy Superintendent (Mill)  35 years/ 30 years
Addl. Superintendent Mines)/ Deputy Superintendent (Mines)/ Asstt. Superintendent(Mines) 35 years/ 30 years/ 30 years
Addl. Superintendent (Survey)/ Deputy Superintendent (Survey) 35 years/ 30 years
Deputy Superintendent (Elect.)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Elect.) 30 years/ 30 years
Deputy Superintendent (Mech.)/ Asstt. Superintendent(Mech.) 30 years/ 30 years
Dy. Superintendent (Industrial Engg)/Asstt. Superintendent (Industrial Engg.) 30 years/ 30 years
Dy. Superintendent (Geology)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Geology) 30 years/ 30 years
Dy.Superintendent (Env.Engg/ Asstt.Superintendent (Env.Engg.) 30 years/ 30 years
Supervisor(Chemical) 35 years
Supervisor(Civil) 35 years
Foreman (Mechanical) 35 years
Foreman (Mining) 35 years
Foreman (Survey) 35 years
Foreman(Electrical) 35 years
Foreman(Instrumentation) 35 years
Sc.Asstt.-C (CR&D/HPU) 35 years
Sc.Asstt.-C (Physics) 35 years

Pay scale :General Manager  Rs.100000-260000/-(E7)
Deputy General Manager/Chief Manager Rs.90000- 240000)(E6)/ Rs.80000-220000(E5)
Addl. Manager/Dy.Manager/Asstt. Manager Rs.60000-180000(E3)/ Rs.50000-160000(E2)/ Rs.40000-140000(E1)
Asstt. Manager (CS)/ Asstt. Manager (Personnel) Rs.40000-140000(E1)
Chief Superintendent (Civil)/ Superintendent (Civil)/ Addl. Superintendent (Civil)/ Deputy Superintendent (Civil) Rs.80000-220000/ (E5)/ Rs.70000-200000(E4)/ Rs.60000-180000(E3)/ Rs.50000-160000(E2)
Deputy Superintendent (Civil)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Civil) Rs.50000-160000(E2)/ Rs.40000-140000(E1)
Deputy Manager (EDP)/ Asstt. Manager (EDP) Rs.50000-160000(E2)/ Rs.40000-140000(E1)
Controller of Stores/ Addl. Controller of Stores)/ Rs.70000-200000(E4)/ Rs.60000-180000(E3)
Deputy Controller of Purchase/ Asstt. Controller of Purchase Rs.50000-160000/(E2) Rs.40000-140000(E1)
Addl. Superintendent (Mill)/ Deputy Superintendent (Mill) Rs.60000-180000(E3)/ Rs.50000-160000/(E2)
Addl. Superintendent Mines)/ Deputy Superintendent (Mines)/ Asstt. Superintendent(Mines) Rs.60000-180000(E3)/ Rs.50000-160000/(E2)/ Rs.40000-140000(E1) 
Addl. Superintendent (Survey)/ Deputy Superintendent (Survey) Rs.60000-180000(E3)/ Rs.50000-160000/(E2)
Deputy Superintendent (Elect.)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Elect.)/ Rs.50000-160000/(E2) Rs.40000-140000/(E1)
Deputy Superintendent (Mech.)/ Asstt. Superintendent(Mech.)/ Rs.50000-160000/(E2) Rs.40000-140000/(E1)
Dy. Superintendent (Industrial Engg)/Asstt. Superintendent (Industrial Engg.) Rs.50000-160000/(E2) Rs.40000-140000/(E1)
Dy. Superintendent (Geology)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Geology) Rs.50000-160000/(E2) Rs.40000-140000/(E1)
Dy.Superintendent (Env.Engg/ Asstt.Superintendent (Env.Engg.) Rs.50000-160000/(E2) Rs.40000-140000/(E1)
Supervisor(Chemical) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0)
Supervisor(Civil) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0)
Foreman (Mechanical) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0)
Foreman (Mining) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0)
Foreman (Survey) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0) 
Foreman(Electrical) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0) 
Foreman(Instrumentation) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0)
Sc.Asstt.-C (CR&D/HPU) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0)
Sc.Asstt.-C (Physics) Rs.30000-120000/-(E0)

122 General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Supervisor,Foreman and Other Engineering Job Opportunities

General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Supervisor,Foreman and Other Qualification & experience :

General Manager : Degree in any discipline including that in Engineering and two years full time PG Degree/ Diploma recognized by statutory authority/Central/State Govt. in Personnel Management, Labour/ Social Welfare, IR, Social work, Social behavioral science, Training & Development OR MBA with specialization in Personnel Management. OR MBA/PGPM with specialization in HRD/ Training & Development. Experience: Minimum 20 years post qualification relevant experience in any PSU/large organization dealings in matter relating to Labour, Personnel, Industrial Relations & General Administration etc.
Deputy General Manager/Chief Manager : Degree in any discipline including that in Engineering and two years full time PG Degree/ Diploma recognized by statutory authority/Central/State Govt. in Personnel Management, Labour/ Social Welfare, IR, Social work, Social behavioral science, Training & Development OR MBA with specialization in Personnel Management. OR MBA/PGPM with specialization in HRD/ Training & Development. Experience: Minimum 18/15 years post qualification relevant experience in any PSU/large organization dealings in matter relating to Labour, Personnel, Industrial Relations & General Administration etc.
Addl. Manager/Dy.Manager/Asstt. Manager : Degree in any discipline including that in Engineering and two years full time PG Degree/ Diploma recognized by statutory authority/Central/State Govt. in Personnel Management, Labour/ Social Welfare, IR, Social work, Social behavioral science, Training & Development OR MBA with specialization in Personnel Management. OR MBA/PGPM with specialization in HRD/ Training & Development. Experience: Minimum 09/05/02 years post qualification relevant experience in any PSU/large organization dealings in matter relating to Labour, Personnel, Industrial Relations & General Administration etc.
Asstt. Manager (CS)/ Asstt. Manager (Personnel) : Degree in any discipline including that in Engineering and two years full time PG Degree/ Diploma recognized by statutory authority/Central/State Govt. in Personnel Management, Labour/ Social Welfare, IR, Social work, Social Behavioural Science, Training & Development OR MBA with specialization in Personnel Management. OR MBA/PGPM with specialization in HRD/ Training & Development. Experience: Minimum 02 years post qualification relevant experience in any PSU/large organization dealings in matter relating to Labour, Personnel, Industrial Relations & General Administration etc. OR Qualification: Fellow/Associate member of the ICSI. Experience: Minimum 02 years post qualification experience as a Company Secretary in a PSU/large concern preferably in mining sector, having exposure in the areas like Personnel, Administration etc. Persons having exposure of working in listed companies will be preferred.
Chief Superintendent (Civil)/ Superintendent (Civil)/ Addl. Superintendent (Civil)/ Deputy Superintendent (Civil) : Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent. Experience: Minimum 15/12/09/05 years post qualification working experience preferably in structural designing of industrial buildings/structures, dams as well as drawing up contracts etc.
Deputy Superintendent (Civil)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Civil) :Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent. Experience: Minimum 05/02 years post qualification working experience preferably in structural designing of industrial buildings/structures, dams as well as drawing up contracts etc.
Deputy Manager (EDP)/ Asstt. Manager (EDP) : Degree in Computer Engg./Sciences or MCA from a university or recognized institution. Experience: Minimum 05/02 years post qualification relevant experience in the area of Online Material Management System, Pay Roll & Online Financial Accounting System, Depreciation and Provident Fund with able to work on AIX (IBM UNIX), ORACLE 8i/9i/10g, D2K, Pro Cobol/Pro C.
Controller of Stores/ Addl. Controller of Stores) : Degree in Engg OR Degree in any discipline with 2 years PG Degree/ Diploma in Materials Management or MBA (with specialization in Materials Management). Experience: Minimum 12/09 years of postqualification experience in Stores/Material Handling Department of a large concern.
Deputy Controller of Purchase/ Asstt. Controller of Purchase : Degree in Engg OR Degree in any discipline with 2 years PG Degree/ Diploma in Materials Management or MBA (with specialization in Materials Management). Experience: Minimum 05/02 years of postqualification experience in stores & purchase/material management/ supply chain management.
Addl. Superintendent (Mill)/ Deputy Superintendent (Mill) : Degree in Chemical Engg./ Metallurgical Engg./ M.Sc. in Mineral Processing or equivalent. Experience: Minimum 09/05 years post qualification proven experience in Hydro Metallurgical/Mineral Processing plant. Knowledge of Pollution Control Board Regulations and dealing with regulatory authorities
Addl. Superintendent Mines)/ Deputy Superintendent (Mines)/ Asstt. Superintendent(Mines) :Bachelor of Mining Engineering from a University/ recognized Institution and possessing First Class Mines Manager Certificate of Competency (Unrestricted) (for E2 grade & above) for metalliferous mines and Second Class Mines Manager Certificate of Competency (Unrestricted) for metalliferous Mines (for E1 grade). Adequate computer knowledge and exposure to latest mining software is essential. Experience: Minimum 09/05/02 years post qualification working experience in the production line of large mechanized underground metal mines/mechanized opencast mines having modern mining equipment from leading manufacturers. The candidate should have proven experience of having led a multidisciplinary team of professionals and consistently achieved rated targets. Knowledge of mining rules/regulations and dealing with regulatory authorities is essential.
Addl. Superintendent (Survey)/ Deputy Superintendent (Survey) : Mine Surveyor Certificate of Competency (Unrestricted) granted by DGMS under MMR, 1961 of equivalent. Experience: Minimum 09/05 years relevant post qualification experience in mine surveying.
Deputy Superintendent (Elect.)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Elect.) : Degree in Electrical/ Electronics Engg. Experience: Minimum 05/02 years post qualification working experience preferably in mines/ mineral beneficiation/cement/chemical plants. VVVF Drives, D.C. speed controls through thyristor converters and PLC, control systems, H.T. & L.T. motors, switchgears, operation and maintenance of EHV upto 132 KV switchyards and sub-stations or similar fields.
Deputy Superintendent (Mech.)/ Asstt. Superintendent(Mech.) : Degree in Mechanical Engg. or equivalent from a University/recognized Institution. Experience: Minimum 05/02 years post qualification working experience in maintenance of underground equipments / mineral processing equipments in a reputed mining company. The candidate should have thorough knowledge of maintenance of Winders/ Crushers/Ball Mills/ Filters etc.
Dy. Superintendent (Industrial Engg)/Asstt. Superintendent (Industrial Engg.) : Degree in Industrial Engineering or equivalent OR Graduate in Engineering with PG qualification in Industrial Engineering from a University or recognized Institution. Experience: Minimum 05/02 years post qualification relevant experience in the industrial related studies such as MIS preparation, ISO system monitoring, and right size of manpower planning etc.
Dy. Superintendent (Geology)/ Asstt. Superintendent (Geology) :PG Degree in Geology/Mineral Exploration/Degree in Mining from a University/recognized Institution. Experience: Minimum 05/02 years post qualification working experience in the relevant field.
Dy.Superintendent (Env.Engg/ Asstt.Superintendent (Env.Engg.) : Degree in Environmental Engg. OR Degree in any other Branch of Engg. OR Ph.D in Organic/ Inorganic Chemistry backed with a PG Diploma OR full time Certificate Course in Environmental Engg. OR Environmental Sciences. Experience: Minimum 05/02 years post qualification experience in Environment Management in a large and reputed organization. Candidate should essentially have the knowledge of the applicable Indian Environmental Legislation, EIA/EMP and Environment Audit Process, Waste Disposal Management etc. Experience in mining and processing industry will be preferred.
Supervisor(Chemical) :B.Sc.(H) in Chemistry/ Diploma in Chemical Engineering. Experience: Minimum 05 years post qualification relevant working experience in Hydrometallurgical/ Chemical plants.
Supervisor(Civil) : Diploma in Civil Engineering. Experience: Minimum 05 years post qualification experience in related fields. Candidate should be conversant with materials testing and analysis.
Foreman (Mechanical) :Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Experience: Minimum 05 years post qualification relevant working experience.
Foreman (Mining) :Diploma in Mining & Mine Surveying and possessing Foreman certificate/ Second Class/ First Class Manager Certificate of Competency (unrestricted) for underground metalliferous mines issued from DGMS. Experience: Minimum 05 years post qualification relevant experience in underground metalliferous mines.
Foreman (Survey) : B.Sc. with Diploma in Mine Surveying and Mines Surveyor Certificate of Competency. Experience: Minimum 05 years relevant experience.
Foreman(Electrical) : Diploma in Electrical Engineering. Experience: Minimum 05 years post qualification experience in maintenance of Motors, Starter Panels, Transformers, Circuit Breakers etc. and other electrical equipment in any organization.
Foreman(Instrumentation) : Diploma in Instrumentation/ Electronics & Telecommunication. Experience: The candidate should have post qualification experience at supervisory level in a PSU/large concern for at least 05 years in areas like repair & maintenance of electronics equipment based on hybrid circuits/ VLSI based /microcontrollers/Amplifiers/ High voltage DC circuits/Radiation Counters/Gamma ray count rate meters/Scintillation Counters & all other instruments used for exploration of Atomic minerals . Preference will be given to the candidates having sound knowledge in computer operation and PCB designing.
Sc.Asstt.-C (CR&D/HPU) : B.Sc.(H) in Chemistry. Experience: Minimum 05 years post qualification working experience in laboratory of Research & Development Centre/ Industry/ Institute/ Organization. Candidate must be conversant with testing/analysis of ore, minerals, rocks, water, industrial effluents, metal, alloys and intermediate process samples of metallurgical industry by chemical and instrumental analytical methods. Research work in similar fields/area carried out as part of higher degree/Ph.D degree programme will not be considered as relevant experience.
Sc.Asstt.-C (Physics) : B.Sc.(H) in Physics. Experience: Minimum 05 years post qualification experience in relevant field.

General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Supervisor,Foreman and Other Selection Process :  

Written Test/ Group Discussion/ Personal Interview.

How To Apply : a) Interested candidates may apply by filling an ‘Application Form’ in the format available at our website b) Application fees of Rs.500/- (Rs Five Hundred Only) need to be paid by the applicants belonging to General (UR), EWS & OBC (NCL) categories. Applicants belonging to SC/ST/PwBD & Female categories and internal UCIL candidates are exempted from payment of any application fees. c) Application Fees as mentioned above need to be deposited through “SBI Collect” option available at UCIL website and acknowledgement copy of the same must be enclosed along with the application form. Application Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. d) Typed ‘Application Form’ in the prescribed format as mentioned above, giving full details along with a recent passport size photograph, self-attested copies of matriculation certificate for proof of date of birth and all other relevant documents such as Educational qualifications, Experience, Caste certificate, Income Certificate Medical Certificate in respect of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) and acknowledgement copy towards payment of fees of Rs.500/- as applicable, should reach to the General Manager (Instrumentation/Personnel & IRs./Corporate Planning) at the postal address given below on or before 18/08/2023. General Manager (Instrumentation/Personnel & IRs./Corporate Planning) Uranium Corporation of India Limited, (A Government of India Enterprise) P.O. Jaduguda Mines, Distt.- Singhbhum East,JHARKHAND-832 102 e) Candidate should superscribe ‘Advt. No’. and ‘Name of the post applied’ on the top of the envelope.

Important Dates for General Manager,Deputy General Manager,Chief Manager,Supervisor,Foreman and Other Recruitment:  

Last date for submission of application  18 August 2023

Important Link

Click here for Official Notification


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